Idaho Representatives Want Pro-Gay Marriage Judges Impeached

Republican Representative Paul Shepherd

Idaho Representatives Want Pro-Gay Marriage Judges Impeached

Republican Rep Paul Shepherd author and sponsor of the non binding resolution Photo Courtesy Idaho Legislative Services Office

BOISE, Idaho, March 23 (UPI) — The Idaho House of Representatives passed a resolution to call on the U.S. Congress to impeach federal judges who rule in favor of same-sex marriage.

The non-binding resolution named HJM 4 was authored and sponsored by Rep. Paul Shepherd, R-Idaho, a sixth term representative.

The House voted 44-25 in favor on Friday; 11 Republicans joined all 14 Democrats who opposed the resolution.

“I think somehow, someday we’ve gotta take a stand,” Shepherd told the House. “You can’t say an immoral behavior according to God’s word, what we’ve all been taught since the beginning, is something that’s just… we’d better uphold Christian morals. As an example, how about fornication, adultery and other issues.”

Idaho passed a same-sex marriage ban in 2006, which was overturned by a federal judge in October last year.

Rep. John McCrostie, D-Idaho, who is gay, also spoke to the House.

“Of all the bills that I’ve voted on in the last weeks, HJM 4 causes me the most hurt… This bill is personal, and it hurts me,” he said. “This bill implies that my marriage isn’t worth as much as someone else’s.”


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