Insurance Rates Lower for Married Couples

Insurance Rates Lower

Insurance Rates Lower for Married Couples

April 30, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – While it’s hardly a reason for getting hitched there is still a clear reason for matrimony when it comes to your car insurance.

Laura Adams from told Gephardt Daily that getting married definitely decreases the amount of insurance you have to pay. That decrease can actually be a huge difference from what you were paying as a single person.

There was a recent study done by which showed that a single 20-year-old paid 20 percent more than someone who is married, even though they were signing up for the same auto policy and coverage. Even if you are over 30 and getting married you are going to be paying less.

Adams stated, “It may be only three or five percent but hey, I’ll take it. That’s a savings nonetheless.”

But wait, why in the world would the auto policy rate it matter if you are married? Is it a discrimination to charge someone more if they don’t have a ring around their finger?

There really is a lot of controversy over the type of factors that insurance companies are looking at. Controversy or not, Adams says that it is about the cold-hearted numbers. Those numbers show that married couples get into fewer crashes and receive fewer tickets than someone who is single.

Why? Well in actuality, there is no real definitive answer. Some researchers believe that couples simply drive less than single people. Others say that married drivers lead lives which are less risky than singles.

“My gut tells me that maybe they are just more cautious, maybe they have a child in the car with them and they were thinking a little bit differently about the way that they drive, ” said Adams.

While it may not seem fair, insurance companies have to bring in enough premiums so that they can actually cover our claims if we need them to.

We may not be able to control things like being married but we can control things like the type of car we drive. “Driving a more expensive car is going to cause a rate to go up, ” stated Adams.

If you have lousy credit then your auto insurance could also go up. But just like being married or single, it doesn’t matter if it is fair, that’s what the numbers say and that’s what the insurance companies do.


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