Police Investigate Penn State Fraternity Over Secret Facebook Photos

Penn State Fraternity

Police Investigate Penn State Fraternity Over Secret Facebook Photos

Kappa Delta Rho fraternity at Penn State University has been suspended while police investigate allegations of a Facebook page containing images of hazing, drug transactions and seemingly unconscious women. Screenshot from WPXI

STATE COLLEGE, Pa., March 17 (UPI) — The Penn State chapter of Kappa Delta Rho fraternity was suspended as police investigate secret Facebook pages that allegedly contained images of illicit activities, including drug sales and nude women, who appeared to be unconscious.

College police said members of the fraternity posted images of drug sales, hazing and women who appeared to be “passed out or sleeping.” Police said the page had nearly 150 invitation-only members, some current students and some alumni.

Police said the initial page, titled, “Covert Business Transactions,” was shut down after a victim discovered it. It was later replaced with “2.0.” Investigators said they obtained about 20 images from the page, but much of it had been wiped clean from computers.

“We have some printed out images from that account,” Lt. Keith Robb of the State College police said.

Penn State Interfraternity Council President, Rick Groves, said the fraternity is on “full chapter suspension” as the investigation is ongoing.

“It is IFC policy to immediately suspend activity at any chapter undergoing an investigation,” Groves told The Daily Collegian school newspaper. “This is both to ensure an unhindered investigation and to prevent chapters from committing further wrongdoings.”


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