Buses on Strike in Panama as Summit of the Americas Begins


Buses on Strike in Panama as Summit of the Americas Begins

MiBusPANAMA CITY, Panama, April 6 (UPI) — A bus strike in Panama City, Panama, began Monday as delegations arrived for the upcoming weekend’s Summit of the Americas.

Antenor Guadamuz, General Secretary of the Union of Metro Bus Operators, said the strike was ordered after the municipal bus company, Mi Bus, had not fulfilled compensation agreements and overtime payments.



“We are asking for the direct intervention of President Juan Carlos Varela,” he said. “Otherwise, the strike will continue until the ultimate consequences. On March 30 the agreed deadline arrived. For Easter we gave them a week to reflect, but have had no response.”

Over 700,000 people in the city of 1.4 million use the bus service daily. The strike comes as ownership of the bus company is in transfer to the federal government, which accused the union this week of falsely telling drivers they would receive government paychecks this week. The Secretary of State Communication called the strike unjustified and warned the government would ensure service would continue, adding pay and benefits would go to employees “30 days after” the formal takeover of the bus company.

Guadamuz said the strike would continue until workers receive their expected payments, and claimed Mi Bus is attempting to intimidate workers with the presence of police officers at depots.

The summit meeting, planned by the Organization of American States, will involve leaders of 34 Western Hemisphere nations.

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