Man Risks Stink To Help Skunk With Yogurt Problem

Skunk Stuck In Yogurt Container

Man Risks Stink To Help Skunk With Yogurt Problem

TURLOCK, Calif., July 15 (UPI) — A man preparing to catch a flight risked stinking up his plane when he stopped to help a skunk with its head stuck in a yogurt cup.

Janiva Corso, who hails from California, posted a video to YouTube of her father’s “good deed” upon discovering a skunk in the parking lot of an airport with a yogurt cup stuck on its head.

Corso’s dad carefully pulls the cup from the skunk’s head in the video clip and quickly runs away to avoid being sprayed by the animal.

“No tomato juice bath for him and it was a really good thing because he was at the airport about to board a plane,” Corso said in a Reddit post.

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