Two-Year-Old Rock God Slays Rage Against the Machine on Guitar Hero

Two-Year-Old Rock God
Photo Courtesy: UPI

Two-Year-Old Rock God Slays Rage Against the Machine on Guitar Hero

EDMOND, Ohio, June 16 (UPI) — A proud papa in Oklahoma shared video of his 2-year-old budding rock god slaying Rage Against the Machine’s “Bulls on Parade” in video game Guitar Hero.

Edmond dad Gabe White wrote on YouTube “the music takes over” when his 2-year-old son takes his turn with the plastic ax and shreds along to the 1996 Rage hit, which was named No. 23 on Guitar World’s list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Solos.

The toddler may one day find his own place on the list — he already sports a smoldering expression, headbanging dance movies and a primal rock scream.

His first potential future band mate, a younger sibling, backs him up in the Rage Against the Machine video by striking a teething toy with a drum stick in an approximation of rhythm.


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