Shoot Your Dog

Dog On His Back

Shoot Your Dog

Americans will spend about 42 billion on their pets this year. Some of that will go on having pets immortalized on film. Mia Allen and Scott Gianchetta are well known photographers in Salt Lake but the demand for pet photos has taken their business in a new direction.

“If you have a pet that’s a really big part of your life, and it’s really meaningful,” said Allen. “I photographed a hedgehog, a pot-bellied pig, and rabbits and ducklings.

“The difference between photographing adults and photographing children and then you take that one step further where you never know what the animal is going to react to, whether they’re going to be over-excited or anxious or afraid.

“One client in particular, his dog passed away about a year after we did a very personal photo shoot. There’s something so touching about having documented that relationship while it was there.”

“We’ve photographed everything from mice to horses, but even just this last weekend we photographed a skunk, and their pet is their family so they want pictures just as much as the next person,” said Gianchetta.

“Pets are part of the family. They’re like children to most people, they’re on this earth so much shorter than we are, that I think the photos are more cherished by those that get them.”

In case you want to try shooting your own pets, here are some top tips:

1. Use Natural Light

If possible always use natural light when taking your pet in picture. Avoid flash, as flash burst can, not only cause red-eye, but also frighten the animal. Instead try to go outside or, if it is not possible, in a room well lit by a large window.

2. Keep the Eyes Sharp

Having sharp eyes is important in any kind of portrait photography. As they say, “Eyes are the Window to the Soul” and pets eyes can be very expressive. So make sure to focus on your pet’s eyes and keep the tack sharp.

3. Go to Them

It is very important that you pet feels comfortable and at ease, so instead of forcing him to come to you go to him. Most important is to get down to his level; We all know how a dog looks when viewed from above, this is the way we always see them. Show us the way they see world! Sit on the floor or lie on your belly and remember to shoot from HIS eye level or below.



4. Give Value to their Character

You know your pet better than anyone else, and a successful picture is one that conveys the character of its subject. If you have a lazy cat show him yawning, if your animal is of a playful type show him in action performing his favorite trick.

5. Go Macro

Put on that long lens and fill the frame with your pet’s face and fur, close up shots often make beautiful animal portrait.

6. Surprise Them

One of the most difficult things is to let your pet hold still. An easy trick is to let him play quietly and, once you have everything ready, let someone call for him or whistle. This will surprise him and caught his attention and you will have a few seconds to capture him in a nice and alert posture.

7. Schedule your Session

If you are longing for a formal pet portrait shot, try to schedule the photo session when you’re animal is somewhat sleepy or has just woke up it will be much easier to keep him still then. If you want a more dynamic shot then pick up a time when your pet is energetic.

8. Be Patient

Pet photography requires a lot of patience. No matter how excited your furry friend is, if you are patient enough, he will end up by relaxing and you will have the opportunity to get a decent shot.

9. Experiment

Take your time and enjoy the session, try different approaches, angles and compositions. Shoot a lot, you will have time to worry about the results later.


  1. Thank you for sharing this story…..I have never been a photographer, but have seen the work of Scott Gianchetta and find his photographs to be a true work of Art!!! Both Mia and Scott must have an incredible amount of patience and skill to do the beautiful work they do. Pets are part of the family, and as Scott stated, they are here for such a short time, our photographs are all we have to keep those memories alive! Thanks again for sharing!!!

  2. I’ve had all my pets photographed by Scott! He’s an amazing photographer and person who goes over and beyond to give his clients a perfect picture. I’d highly recommend The Photo Box!


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