Bricks Fall From Cleveland Building, Crush Van

Falling Bricks Cleveland Building

Bricks Fall From Cleveland Building, Crush Van

Falling Bricks
Source: BigNewsNetwork

CLEVELAND, April 14 (UPI) — Authorities in Cleveland said no one was injured when a building’s facade partially collapsed and rained bricks onto a parked van several stories below.

Investigators said the bricks fell from the nine-story PNC Bank Building, which is currently vacant, about 4:15 p.m. Monday and landed on the road below, crushing an unoccupied van.

No injuries were reported.

Authorities said the cause of the collapse remained under investigation Tuesday. They said the building’s owner contacted an outside firm to assess the integrity of the damaged facade.

Millennia Housing Management, the company that manages the building for owner Corning Place LLC, said no construction projects are currently underway at the facility.

Police said traffic delays in the area are likely to continue as the investigation moves forward.

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