Facebook to Begin Hosting Entire News Articles


Facebook to Begin Hosting Entire News Articles

Facebook-now-serving-divorce-papersMENLO PARK, Calif., May 3 (UPI) —Facebook will soon begin hosting entire news articles from popular sources.



According to the Wall Street Journal, the social media network will make it so whole news articles can be read within Facebook’s website. The company hopes it will encourage people to stay on the website, instead of moving on to other websites during time spent on the Internet.

The windows created for news articles in Facebook will feature their own advertising options for publishers. Facebook will not profit from this kind of advertising. News sources that will be included so far are The New York Times, Buzzfeed and National Geographic.

Facebook is not the only company moving toward hosting news features. Twitter and Snapchat are also working on services for putting out news. It has been reported Pinetrest may also be getting involved with news organizations.


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