Texas Grandma Finds Cocaine in Granola Bar Wrapper

Texas Grandma Find Cocaine in Granola Bar


Texas Grandma Finds Cocaine in Granola Bar Wrapper

San Antonio Express News video screenshot
San Antonio Express News video screenshot


SAN ANTONIO, May 7 (UPI) — Police in Texas confirmed they are investigating after a San Antonio grandmother found a small bag of cocaine inside the wrapper of her granola bar.

“One morning my husband and I were opening our granola bars and I like it to the very end,” Cynthia Rodriguez told KSAT-TV. “I was shaking the little bag out to get the crumbs when all of the sudden this little baggie popped out.”

Rodriguez said she initially thought the baggie, which fell out of the wrapper March 18, might be a prize from manufacturer Nature Valley, but she called the company and they referred her to call police.

Rodriguez said a San Antonio police detective and an officer came to her home to test the baggie.

“He said, ‘Congratulations, it’s high quality cocaine,’ and I had never seen that stuff before,” Rodriguez said.

The grandmother said the Nature Valley bars were leftover samples given to her by a friend and weren’t purchased at a store. She said she is grateful the bag wasn’t found by any of her 11 grandchildren, three of whom live with her.

“What if they thought it was sugar?” Rodriguez said in an interview with KENS-TV.

Sgt. Javier Salazar said it was “a somewhat disturbing case.”

“We’re not sure if this was something added on purpose or if it was something that may have fallen out of someone’s pocket on the assembly line,” Salazar said.

General Mills, manufacturer of Nature Valley products, released a written statement in response to the incident.

“We referred this to the police department in March, and are confident this did not happen in our facility,” the company said.

Spokesman Mike Siemienas said the granola bars move quickly across the factory assembly lines and it would have been “difficult” for the bag to get inside a wrapper at the factory.


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