Mayor Erin Mendenhall to seek reelection

Erin Mendenhall. Photo: @slcmayor

SALTL LAKE CITY, Utah, April 12, 2023 (Gephardt Daily) — Mayor Erin Mendenhall on Wednesday declared her intention to seek re-election as mayor of Utah’s capitol city.

“I’m Erin Mendenhall,” she says, in part, in a video shared below. “I’m an air quality advocate, a mom and the mayor of Salt Lake City. I’m running for re-election because our work isn’t finished and we need proven leadership to see it through.

“The incredible future we’re building together isn’t guaranteed, and it isn’t going to be easy. I’m determined to make sure the city grows for all of us to bury the walls that divide us to lead with compassion to promote equity, and to defend equality. We are making this progress together, And I refuse to let anyone take our city backward.

“We’re gonna keep moving the city forward. And we’re gonna do it together. Join us at

Rocky Anderson, who served as Salt Lake City’s two-term mayor between 2000 and 2008, is also a high-profile candidate for mayor. He made his formal announcement on Nov. 30, 2022.

Anderson has been documenting his campaign efforts on his Twitter page.

Rocky Anderson Photo RockyAndersonTwitter


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