Trump to swing by Utah Saturday in private fundraiser

File Photo: Gephardt Daily/Patrick Benedict

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Sept. 14 , 2024 (Gephardt Daily) — Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump is scheduled to touch down in Salt Lake City Saturday for a campaign stop.

But apparently no trademark Trump rally is planned, no public address or press conference, just an invite-only private huddle of a fundraiser in a major donor’s hangar at the Salt Lake City International Airport, according to press reports.

Details are sparse as to exactly when and where, with various media accounts mentioning the hangar gathering, purportedly beginning at 4 p.m., or just an “evening reception.” Saturday’s visit was reported as sandwiched between a Vegas rally and a rally in Arizona later Saturday. 

A campaign flyer circulating earlier this month announcing the Sept. 14 visit said only that a reception is set for that night in Salt Lake City. The flyer did not mention an exact location or time.

Additional details available upon RSVP, it reads. “Space is limited.” The price of admission was to begin at $3,300, or raising $10,000, which accesses the reception.

A $10,000 donation or raising $25,000 earns a “VIP Attendee” designation for the reception. Donating $35,000 or raising $70,000 earns the reception and a photo opportunity with the nominee himself.

A $150,000 donation awards the donor the reception, photo op, and joining a “roundtable” opportunity. A $500,000 donation earns the same with the addition of a “Host Committee” title. The rescheduled visit comes on the heels of a previously planned fundraising swing that was canceled in August..

For details, the flyer said, visit for an email link to RSVP. Or google t47EVENTS for “Trump 47 Committee” which apparently shares online access with Or

All of which tends to end up at Clicking on “events near me” shows 36 events planned in the next month for Nevada, 42 for Arizona, 4 for Montana, 1 for the candidate’s home state of New York, none for Utah and 112 in Wisconsin.

A check of calendars on or show no events planned for Saturday. Some media reports Friday did suggest that for Saturday’s event at the airport the price at the door to get in may have been dropped to $1,000.


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