Getting Yourself to Love Working Out


Getting Yourself to Love Working Out

How can you get into the workout groove? Just mimic the habits of exercise nuts!


Only do workouts that you know you are going to love

People who love to exercise do not waste time with activities that they despise. Start with activities that you are interested in or already enjoy. Don’t always think that it has to be what your neighbor said helped her/him lose weight. If you don’t want to do it then you are going to make the excuse to skip it that night, and tomorrow and the next day.

Look for feedback

Fitness fanatics often thrive on the instant feedback of others. Try out a fitness tracker, something that measures your heart rate or calories that you have burned. The feed that you will be seeing will push you to your personal best and even take your workouts to the next level.



Work out with a friend

Getting a little help from friends is how the exercise addicts get by. Chit-chatting with a pal can be a great reason to get excited for your morning run. Don’t assume that none of your friends want to work out. You just may need to find one who wants to get in shape just like you do.

Let the setbacks slide

Sometimes life gets in the way and that is okay. People who have wiggle room in their mindset are more likely to maintain a regular exercise routine. If you have to work late and cant hit the spin classes for that night just tell yourself that you are going to get back on track tomorrow.

Dress the part

You do not need expensive work out gear to get the most out of your workout but buying new athletic apparel may be a good motivator. If you look athletic then you will more likely feel athletic. So kick off those old running shoes and get some new kicks, also maybe spring for a pair of running shorts.

If you start getting the mindset of an athletic addict you are more likely to keep wanting to work out.


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