Uber To Enlist 1 Million Female Drivers Worldwide By 2020

Uber Releases Quarterly Magazine For Drivers

Uber To Enlist 1 Million Female Drivers Worldwide By 2020

File Photo by Mahathir Mohd Yasin/Shutterstock.

SAN FRANCISCO, March 10 (UPI) — The ride-sharing service Uber, being closely scrutinized after several alleged driver assaults on passengers, vowed Tuesday to put a stronger emphasis on female drivers through a partnership with UN Women and pledged to create 1 million jobs for women globally by 2020.

Uber, which started in the United States six years ago, offered a rare sneak peek into its growth plans. The company announced the partnership during the 20th anniversary commemoration of the Beijing Declaration, a 1995 United Nations resolution, focusing on equal rights for men and women.

“In the coming weeks, we are looking forward to sitting down with UN Women to discuss the most effective ways to work with their teams on the ground,” Uber’s general counsel Salle Yoo told USA Today.

The company has been under the microscope recently, including for its October promotion, featuring “hot chick” drivers in France.

In the past several months, there have been multiple rape allegations, from Boston to Los Angeles to India, against Uber drivers. The victim in the alleged sexual assault in India filed suit against Uberfor negligence and fraud in January.


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