Have You Seen This? Betty White’s Birthday Flash Mob

Betty White
Have You Seen This? Betty White’s Birthday Flash Mob

Have You Seen This? Betty White’s Birthday Flash Mob



BETTY WHITE NATION — No matter what generation of American you are, if you don’t know who Betty White is, you’ve probably been living under a rock for more than 60 years.
White has been in the biz since the ’40s, and she’s worked consistently in TV ever since. Her most famous role might be as ditzy Rose in the ’80s sitcom “The Golden Girls,” but with charm, tenacity and perfect comedic timing, White has not only kept working, but she’s enjoyed a recent surge in popularity that has kept her in demand.

Currently White is starring in the sitcom “Hot in Cleveland,” and the stars and crew decided to help White celebrate her 93rd birthday with a short, hula flash mob.

Actor Dave Foley (“Kids in the Hall,” “A Bug’s Life”) plays his part by driving White to the soundstage for their workday. But before they get there, music begins to play, and a single hula dancer blocks their path. Soon dozens of people all join in, much to the delight of White.

Yes, I’m a little late to the party with this video since it went viral over the holiday weekend, but White’s genuine surprise and sweet reaction compelled me to post it anyway. Happy birthday, Betty White!


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