Mick Jagger releases pair of songs addressing political ‘anxiety’

Musician Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones released a pair of new songs commenting on the "confusion and frustration with the times we live in" as well as the "anxiety, unknowability of the changing political situation."Photo by Jim Ruymen/UPI

July 28 (UPI) — Mick Jagger released music videos for a pair of new songs addressing the current state of politics in Great Britain and abroad.

Jagger said the songs, titled Gotta Get A Grip, and England Lost, were written in response to “confusion and frustration with the times we live in.”

He added in a statement that the music was inspired by the “anxiety, unknowability of the changing political situation” and his lack of hope that the situation will improve.

“We obviously have a lot of problems. So am I politically optimistic? …No,” Jagger said.

The video for “Gotta Get A Grip” takes place at a nightclub packed with sweat-covered revelers who eventually erupt into a riot as Jagger sings about greed, dishonest media and politicians and xenophobia.

“The message I suppose is – despite all those things that are happening, you gotta get on with your own life, be yourself and attempt to create your own destiny,” Jagger said of the song.

“England Lost” tells the tale of a soccer match in which fans are disappointed at England’s defeat on a rainy day, meant to represent this “difficult moment in our history.”

“It’s about the unknowability about where you are and the feeling of insecurity,” Jagger said. “That’s how I was feeling when I was writing. It’s obviously got a fair amount of humor because I don’t like anything too on the nose but it’s also got a sense of vulnerability of where we are as a country.”

Jagger said he enjoyed the ease and freedom of releasing the tracks individually rather than placing them on an album.

“It’s always refreshing to get creative in a different fashion and I feel a slight throwback to a time when you could be a bit more free and easy by recording on the hoof and putting it out there immediately,” he said.

The Rolling Stones frontman added he wrote the songs in April and wanted to release them as soon as possible to preserve their impact.

“I didn’t want to wait until next year when these two tracks might lose any impact and mean nothing,” he said.


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