Car Fire Spreads to Home in Kearns Displacing Two Families

Car Fire Spreads to Home in Kearns


Car Fire Spreads to Home in Kearns Displacing Two Families


Photo : Gephardt Daily 2015
Photo Gephardt Daily 2015


KEARNS, UTAH – July 23, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – Firefighters were called to a residence where a car in the driveway had caught fire and quickly spread to the home Thursday morning.

According to West Valley City Fire Department, they received a called to a home at 4193 W. Sun Drive in Kearns Thursday morning that a car was on fire that was spreading to the home.

The owner of the home, Stephen Cable, said he received a call from the renters that live in the home that his car was on fire. “By the time I got here, the car fire had been put out and crews were ripping apart the side of the house to finish making sure the house was not burning any longer,” said Cable.

The neighbor across the street, Bill Ryan, said he was headed home from the gas station when he noticed black smoke coming from his neighborhood. “When we came up the street and noticed the car was engulfed in flames and in just a few minutes the siding of the house started to catch on fire and was working its way up the side of the house,” said Ryan. “The fire department showed up and they pretty much got it out right away,. They did a very good job.”

According to Red Cross there were six people that lived in the home, four adults and two children that have been displaced. They will be providing assistance to these families.

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  1. It was later determined that the cause was most likely a discarded cigarette which caught some wood chips located near the car on fire. The wind blew the flame under the car catching the car on fire.


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