Life Flight transports injured trail runner from Dromedary Peak in Salt Lake County

Crews assisted an injured trail runner on Dromedary Peak in Salt Lake County Saturday. Photo Courtesy: Salt Lake County Sheriff's SAR
SALT LAKE COUNTY, Utah, Oct. 18, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — Crews assisted an injured trail runner on Dromedary Peak in Salt Lake County Saturday.
A Facebook post from Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue said crews were called out at 10:40 a.m. after the trail runner fell from the ridge line east of the peak.
“He and a partner were attempting the Wasatch Ultimate Ridge Linkup (WURL)  when he slipped on snow or ice and fell approximately 150 feet onto a slope high above Lake Blanche,” the post said. “He sustained significant injuries in the fall. His partner called for help, then found a way to climb down to him and provide comfort until help arrived.”
Due to the extreme injuries and location, a medical helicopter was immediately requested and teams were deployed by foot on the Broads Fork and Lake Blanche trails.
“Life Flight was available with a hoist ship which arrived on scene a short time later,” the post said. “They located the patients and determined some help would be needed to safely prepare the patient for hoist and transport. A SAR team member joined the crew and the two were inserted by cable.”
The patient was stabilized, loaded into a full-body vacuum splint and flight bag, then flown to the landing zone near Storm Mountain. The flight crew and medical personnel treated the patient, then he was flown to a trauma center.
Later the Life Flight crew returned to retrieve the patient’s friend, the SAR team member, and rescue gear. The ground teams were recalled and all were off the mountain by 3:30 p.m.


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