Logan police to assign extra officers after uptick of political sign stealing

Logan Police Department says it will assign extra officers after an uptick of political sign stealing. Photo Courtesy: Logan Police Department

LOGAN, Utah, Oct. 12, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — The Logan Police Department says it will assign extra officers after an uptick of political sign stealing.

“We have seen an increase lately in theft of political signs, flags, and other items from yards of private residences,” says a Facebook post from Logan PD. “We would like to remind citizens these items are allowed on private property and it is against the law to damage or take them.”

Due to the recent problems, the department will be assigning extra duty officers to watch for and address these issues.

“We encourage all to voice their opinions in a manner consistent with the free speech protection of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and to keep their conduct within legal bounds and treat everyone with civility,” the post says.


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