WEST VALLEY CITY, Utah, Jan. 13, 2022 (Gephardt Daily) — Two people have been shot dead and one is injured after an incident near Hunter High School, in West Valley City Thursday morning.
“Officers are on scene at a shooting with multiple victims,” says a tweet from the West Valley City Police Department.
“Occurred on sidewalk along 4100 S. in area between NB and SB lanes of Mountain View Corridor. Two people dead, one injured. Multiple suspects in custody.”
The Granite School District posted an online statement saying Hunter High School, Hunter Junior High, and Hillside and Whittier Elementary schools have been placed on shelter-in-place orders, with exterior doors locked and outdoor activities canceled.
“There is no direct threat toward our students or staff, and this protocol is precautionary in nature to ensure everyone’s safety,” the statement says. “PLEASE DO NOT come to the campus as you will not be permitted to come inside until the protocol is lifted.”
In addition, the roadway has been closed at Mountain View Corridor near 4100 south during the investigation.
Gephardt Daily will have more information on this breaking story as details are confirmed.