NORTH FORK CANYON, Weber County, Utah, Feb. 26, 2022 (Gephardt Daily) — When a man in search of backcountry recreation Friday afternoon ended up needing help from Weber County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue crew.
He went to the North Fork Canyon area, a statement from Weber County SAR says.
“Miles into his activity, he came into some rough unfamiliar terrain and was unsure how to navigate out safely,” it says. “The man called 911 when it began to get dark and temps were dropping below zero.
“WCSAR responded and were able to assist the male off of the mountain late into the night. He was evaluated by medical and released.”
“We encourage you to call 911 if you find yourself in these situations.”
WCSAR is a volunteer organization and accepts donations “to help continue and improve our Search and Rescue efforts. Venmo @WeberCountySheriffs-Foundation (Please put SAR in notes). Thank you.”