Anthony Batts out as Baltimore Police Commissioner


Anthony Batts out as Baltimore Police Commissioner

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, left, Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts attend an American flag event in August 2014. Rawlings-Blake announced Wednesday that Batts is being replaced as head of the police department. Photo: Baltimore Police Department/Facebook
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake left Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts attend an American flag event in August 2014 Rawlings Blake announced Wednesday that Batts is being replaced as head of the police department Photo Baltimore Police DepartmentFacebook

BALTIMORE, July 8 (UPI) — Hours after a report found the Baltimore Police Department’s response to riots in April was “inadequate,” the city’s mayor announced Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts’ departure from the department on Wednesday.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake issued a statement saying Batts has been replaced. It’s not clear whether he was fired or resigned from the post.

“Effective immediately, Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis will become Interim Commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department,” she said.

The news comes on the heels of a review of the riots in response to the death of Freddie Gray. The report, issued by the Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge No. 3, found the department should have had a standing plan on how to respond to riots well before the events in April.

“Decisions implemented by top commanders of the Baltimore Police Department left officers in harm’s way, making them vulnerable and susceptible to attack,” the report said.

“The injuries suffered by more than 200 police officers, both those from within the Baltimore Police Department and outside agencies, could have been avoided or at least minimized. The injuries sustained by civilians who were assaulted, as well as the destruction of private and public property, also could have been avoided.”

The report took specific issue with Batts, saying he sought to divide the department instead of unite it in the wake of the unrest. It said he publicly criticized officers for how they acted during the riots, and for giving anonymous interviews to CNN.

Additionally, Batts and other top commanders in the department put the safety of officers and city hall ahead of the citizens.

“This tentative posture allowed the destruction of personal property and needless injury to first responders,” the report said. “The question begs now, is the Baltimore Police Department prepared for the next potential unrest? Does Commissioner Batts have the leadership skills necessary to get the job done?”

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