British PM Theresa May says Brexit deal will pass

Dec. 3 (UPI) — British Prime Minister Theresa May said she’ll get her Brexit deal passed and keep her job atop the government, and urged the Conservative Party to stand with her.

The British House of Commons will hold a series of votes in the next two weeks on the agreement for Britain to leave the European Union. The controversial measure was approved by voters in 2016 but has taken years to iron out the details and get it approved by EU leadership and British Parliament.

“At the end of the line it is, I think, about holding our nerve and getting this over the line so we can deliver on Brexit and people can have that better future,” May told ITV Monday. “I will still have a job in two weeks’ time. My job is making sure that we do what the public asked us to, we leave the EU but we do it in a way that is good for them.”

Some have speculated May would resign if the deal was rejected by the House of Commons. May denied that rumor, saying she’s focused on getting the vote for “an important moment in our history.”

There have also been calls for a second referendum on Brexit, but May said they haven’t delivered on the first vote, yet.

One of the biggest obstacles has been how Brexit will affect trade with the United States and other non-EU countries. A legal analysis leaked by in-house lawyers warns Britain will face a “practical barrier” to trade after leaving.

President Donald Trump warned last week that while it’s a “great deal” for the EU, the United States would probably stop trading with Britain.

“Right now, if you look at the deal, they may not be able to trade with us … I don’t think the prime minister meant that. And, hopefully, she’ll be able to do something about that.”



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