St. Vincent evacuated due to volcanic threat

The volcano on St. Vincent island began showing increased signs of steaming and smoking earlier Thursday. Photo courtesy of the National Emergency Management Organization

April 9 (UPI) — Authorities issued an evacuation order for the Caribbean island of St. Vincent on Thursday after a volcano began showing signs of an impending eruption.

The National Emergency Management Organization said the volcano, La SoufriƩre, has shown increased signs of steaming and smoking on St. Vincent, the largest island in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

“The new dome has now reached the height of the crater on the Leeward side. Residents will now be able to see the glowing/fiery appearance of the dome as it gets dark and night approaches,” the agency tweeted.

Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves issued an evacuation order for the island after the alert level was increased to red.

NEMO said vessels were dispatched to the island to help residents evacuate, including a Royal Caribbean cruise liner.


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