Bill Nye and Others Discussing Taking Humans to Mars by 2033

Bill Nye

Bill Nye and Others Discussing Taking Humans to Mars by 2033

Bill NyeWASHINGTON, April 5 (UPI) — Bill Nye and a group of space experts are discussing plans to get a group of humans to orbit Mars by the year 2033.

Bill Nye, the CEO of Planetary Society, and members of its Board of Directors recently brought together a group of experts to discuss the plan and its cost.

“Getting humans to Mars is far more complex than getting to Earth’s Moon,” said Nye. “But space exploration brings out the best in us. By reaching consensus on the right set of missions, we can send humans to Mars without breaking the bank.”

The group believes NASA could afford such a trip after the International Space Station has been retired, which looks to be around 2024. They’re calling for a two-launch-per-year setup with NASA’s large rocket, the Space Launch System, that will be tested in 2018.

The astronauts could not only orbit the planet, but there could be a brief landing when they arrive in 2039. One expert said moon landings may need to be done to prepare for the mission. The team is calling for further study of the subject.

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