Reggie Wayne Writes Letter To His Fans

Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Reggie Wayne
Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Reggie Wayne Photo Courtesy UPI

Reggie Wayne Writes Letter To His Fans

Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Reggie Wayne  Photo Courtesy UPI
Indianapolis Colts wide receiver Reggie Wayne Photo Courtesy UPI

Reggie Wayne and the Colts parted ways earlier this offseason. Upon doing so he ended his career after being with the Colts for 14 years. His career highlight stats include 1,070 catches, 14,345 yards and 80 receiving touchdowns.

Wayne wanted to make sure that he thanked all those who were a part of his career and those who helped get him there. He wrote a letter in the Indianapolis Star thanking the Colts organization and owner Jim Irsay, among others and the fans in and around Indianapolis for supporting him through the years.

With the 30th pick in the 2001 NFL draft, the Indianapolis Colts decided to take a chance on me. They allowed me to wear the horseshoe and represent the organization. With that pick they made my childhood dream come true. I bled blue and white for 14 years, and I was truly grateful for the opportunity to play a kids game week in and week out. Everyone who plays this game has to make a huge “sacrifice” to become the best football player they could possibly be. I laid it on the line every day and stayed committed to achieve the ultimate goal of winning a championship.

During this same time, Jim Irsay and the Irsay family embraced me as one of their own. Jim’s door was always open to me no matter the situation or the circumstance. For that I will always be thankful. I am humbled to have had the opportunity to call myself a Colt.

To Coach Mora, Coach Dungy, Coach Caldwell and the man I have known since my college days, Coach Pagano – you and your staffs always put in time to help me perfect my craft. You allowed me to evolve as a player on the field. You accepted me for who I am and trusted me to be a vital part of the team.

To every teammate that has laced up with me throughout my Colts career – thank you for playing with heart, passion and dedication. We were successful because of our selflessness as we worked towards a common goal. We always treated each other with TRUST, LOYALTY and RESPECT.

To the state of Indiana, Colts Nation and especially the 317 – thank you for making this my home away from home. As a Louisiana kid, I came from a community that really embraces its own, and Indianapolis did that with me from day one. That made my transition here all those years ago so easy, and now there are so many of you that I call my friends. I am going to miss the REG-GIE chants before every home game, where each time I felt like I got a personal “good luck” wish from each of you. My goal every game was to give everyone in the stadium and at home watching on TV all I could because all of you deserved nothing less. I can’t thank you enough for all the love and support all of you have given me.

Thanks for everything Colts Nation!

Reggie Wayne, #87

It’s unclear if Reggie will search for another team before fully retiring, but is sure to go down as one of the greatest players in Colts history and could see a possible Hall of Fame request when eligible.


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