Watch: Barcelona Couple Hauls Suitcase from Scooter

Barcelona Couple Hauling Suitcase From Scooter

Watch: Barcelona Couple Hauls Suitcase from Scooter

A Barcelona couple takes part in “maleting” — the act of rolling a suitcase alongside a motor scooter. Photo by C3000u/YouTube

BARCELONA, Spain, July 18 (UPI) — A couple was recorded buzzing through Spanish streets in a scooter dragging an unusual load alongside them: a rolling suitcase.

In a video uploaded Thursday, a man and a woman solve the issue of carrying luggage on a motor scooter by working together. While the man drove the vehicle, the woman sitting behind him held on to the suitcase as it mimicked a sidecar.

 In 2014, another scooter-driving couple was recorded lugging a small rolling suitcase on a busy highway. When they saw that they were being recorded, they both greeted the camera with a thumbs up, while still holding tight to their luggage. In Spain, the phenomenon has been dubbed “maleting,” combining the Spanish term for suitcase with the English -ing suffix.

The Local observes that “maleting” isn’t the only term Spaniards added the suffix to. When tourists — usually impaired by drugs or alcohol — jump off a balcony into a pool, or even to another balcony, the Spanish call it “balconing.”

“Mamading,” or sucking, describes notorious tourist behavior. The term is linked to a resort bar called Magaluf, which once offered free drinks to the woman who performed oral sex on the most people in the shortest amount of time. It subsequently closedafter news hit international headlines.

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