Vincent van Gogh’s Doppelganger Turning Heads in Brooklyn

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Vincent van Gogh’s Doppelganger Turning Heads in Brooklyn

Vincent van Gogh’s Doppelganger Turning Heads in Brooklyn

NEW YORK, May 5 (UPI) — A New York man whose resemblance to Vincent van Gogh was pointed out by a commuter who snapped his photo in the subway said he was surprised by his viral fame.

Robert Reynolds said friends alerted him to his viral fame after a fellow rider on a Brooklyn-bound G-train snapped his picture late last week and posted it to Reddit with the caption, “So I Ran into Vincent van Gogh today.”

“One of my friends texted me and was like ‘dude, you’re famous!'” Reynolds told WPIX-TV.

Reynolds said it wasn’t the first time someone noted his resemblance to the painter, who died of a self-inflected gunshot wound in 1890.

“I get stopped walking down the street, I get stopped on the subway,” he said. “I was recently in a small bar in North Carolina and I saw a lady sitting at the bar taking my picture.”

“She saw me notice her so she comes over and she’s like ‘excuse me I don’t know if anyone’s ever told you this but,’ and then my friends all look at each other and we were like ‘go ahead — yes, Little Richard?'”

Reynolds shared a picture online from the time he dressed up as the painter for Halloween.

Reynolds, an actor, said he is looking into his options for cashing in on his resemblance to the painter.

“I thought about maybe doing some sort of YouTube series because that’s kind of a huge thing right now,” Reynolds said. “I’m just trying to get those sparks going in my mind.”




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