Party the New Year Away

Party the New Year Away



    • Warn your neighbors.
      • It’s good and courteous telling your neighbors about your big year-end blow out. Yes – invite them!
    • Remember timing is everything
      • Since you want to keep the party hopping until (and perhaps well past) the midnight hour, consider starting around 10pm. But if you prefer to start things early have the food bar ready around 10pm so that your guests don’t starve.
    • Don’t be short on drinks
      • If you’re worried about running out, assign your guests to bring some drinks, ice and mixers.
    • Make food.
      • Food is essential to any party. Again you can task your friends to bring chips, dips and appetizers.
    • “Hire” a Photographer
      • Ask one guest to serve as the “official” photographer to take before and after photos, or do it yourself.
    • Make paper snowflakes or hang ribbon
      • Hang them from the ceilings , light fixtures, doorways, lamps, mantels and even on the bathroom mirror.
    • Party games and music
      • Yes, people still play games at parties.
      • Get your guests to participate, which is a cool way to break the ice and get people talking.
    • Party/ noise maker
      • Have every guest bring the “craziest noisemaker” that they can find and then let everyone make a ton of noise when the new year starts.



  • Don’t let your guests drive home intoxicated.
    1. Work it out to appoint designated drivers and even off a spare bedroom if someone needs to sleep it off.
    2. Remember, some states have laws making YOU responsible for your guests alcohol consumption in case they’re in an accident!
  • Hangover Remedies
    1. Don’t forget to take some aspirin before you go to sleep, set an alarm, and wake up about 3 or 4 hours later to take some more. Share your remedies with your friends so that they can be okay for the next day, just in case they have to go to work.

New Year 2015 - Gephardt Daily


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