Leader Of Pakistani Sunni Militant Group, Killed In Shootout

Malik Ishaq, Leader Of Pakistani Sunni Militant Group, Killed In Shootout

Malik Ishaq, leader of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Sunni militant group in Pakistan, was killed during a gunbattle as his supporters attempted to free him from police custody.
140K Jobs Added in August

White House To Restore Pell Grants To Prisoners

The Obama administration plans to extend Pell grants to some federal and state prison inmates taking college courses.
Meagan Grunwald

Utah Teen Imprisoned for Deputy’s Death Seeking New Trial

A Utah County teen convicted of murder has requested a new trial, claiming the judge was biased, according to the Herald Extra.
35 Bill Cosby Accusers Pose For New York Magazine Cover

35 Bill Cosby Accusers Pose For New York Magazine Cover

The July 27 edition of New York Magazine features 35 women who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual assault.
Coast Guard Expands "Aggressive" Search For Missing Florida Teens

Coast Guard Expands “Aggressive” Search For Missing Florida Teens

The U.S. Coast Guard will continue to "search aggressively" for the two teenage boys have been missing off the southern coast of Florida as it expands the search area.
Ramous K

29-year-old Convict To Be Released From Prison After 18 Years

Curtis Fairchild Jones, who at age 12 was considered the youngest convicted murderer in United States history, walked out of prison today a free man at age 29.
ned Parenthood Internal Emails

Hackers Threaten To Release Planned Parenthood Internal Emails

Planned Parenthood says it has informed federal investigators after anti-abortion hackers targeted the organization's website.
Richard Bass Co-Founder of Snowbird

Snowbird Co-founder Richard “Dick” Bass Dies At Age 85

The first person to climb the highest point on each of the seven continents, Richard Daniel “Dick” Bass, passed away Sunday, July 26, 2015 at the age of 85 surrounded by family in Dallas, Texas.
Murray Railroad Accident

Murray Woman in Accident on Railroad Tracks Still in Critical Condition

A Murray woman is still in critical condition after the van she was driving went off the embankment and landed upside down on the railroad tracks.
Cleveland Police Officer Pepper Spraying Activists

Cleveland Police Officer Filmed Pepper-Spraying Crowd Of Activists

A police officer was filmed using pepper spray on a crowd of activists Sunday afternoon near Ohio's Cleveland State University.
Man Fatally Shot In West Valley

Man Fatally Shot In West Valley Neighborhood Identified

Police have identified a man who was shot to death inside his home after a confrontation with three unknown males.
Bobbi Kristina Brown Attending Sparkle Movie Premier

Bobbi Kristina Brown — Daughter Of Bobby Brown And Whitney Houston — Dead At...

Bobbi Kristina Brown's family has announced the young woman died Sunday, nearly six months after she was discovered facedown and unresponsive in the bathtub at her Georgia home.
Boko Haram cause wave suicide attacks in Cameroon and  Nigeria

Wave Of Suicide Attacks In Cameroon And Nigeria Kill Score

Female suicide bombers detonated in bars and markets in Cameroon and Nigeria over the weekend, killing 35 people. Last week similar attacks left at least 98 people dead.
Two Missing Boys of the Coast of South Florida

No Sign Of Missing Teens Off Florida Coast; Joe Namath Offers $100K Reward

The U.S. Coast Guard is continuing its search for two teenage boys who have been missing for two days off the coast of southern Florida.