France, Britain Jointly Contract For Naval Drones

France - Gephardt Daily
France and Britain are seeking unmanned vessels for counter-mine operations. Photo by John F. Williams/U.S. Navy

France, Britain Jointly Contract For Naval Drones

France - Gephardt Daily
France and Britain are seeking unmanned vessels for counter-mine operations. Photo by John F. Williams/U.S. Navy

PARIS, March 30 (UPI) — Surface and underwater naval drones for combating mines are to be developed by a European industrial consortium by 2019.

France’s Ministry of Defense said the joint Maritime Mine Counter Measures contract from France and Britain was issued to Thales, teamed with BAE Systems, and the ESA Group, through the European Union’s Organization for Joint Armament Cooperation.

“The MMCM project against naval mines is an important part in shaping the future of defense systems for the benefit of the French and British navies,” said Laurent Collet-Billon, head of France’s Delegate General for Armaments. “It reflects the desire for innovation of both our countries to keep one step ahead in the technological, industrial and operational areas of the underwater warfare sector.”

Added British Defence Minister for Defence Equipment, Support and Technology Philip Dunne: “The development of naval UAV systems is a new and exciting area in the United Kingdom and France. Working together on the basis of a common vision for underwater unmanned aerial systems, we will be able to determine the benefits that the development of those capabilities could bring in the military, financial, technological and skill fields.”

The contract awarded is for the definition, implementation and qualification of two prototype systems of naval drones that would be operated from a “mother ship” or from land.


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