Uber Releases Quarterly Magazine For Drivers

Uber - Gephardt Daily
Uber Releases Quarterly Magazine For Drivers

Uber Releases Quarterly Magazine For Drivers

Uber - Gephardt Daily
“Momentum” Magazine. Uber



SAN FRANCISCO, March 3 (UPI) — Uber has started a magazine, dubbed Momentum, to connect its drivers.

The quarterly magazine will include anything from news about driver regulations to tips on where to find bathrooms.

“We want to strengthen the community of our driver partners — currently 150,000 people strong — by making sure you are up to date on new developments within our company and giving you new and improved methods to connect to us and one another,” said Uber in statement on its website.

Uber has faced criticism for lack of accountability for its drivers, especially the drivers of its UberX service, which has a minimal vetting process.

It is also trying to bolster the image of the service with its drivers after a data breach revealed the information of thousands of drivers.








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