Disney’s New Announcement May Ruffle Your Feathers

Ducktales - Gephardt Daily
Disney’s New Announcement May Ruffle Your Feathers

Disney’s New Announcement May Ruffle Your Feathers

ducktalesIf you were a child of the late ’80’s and early ’90’s, chances are that the first thing you did when you got home from school was turn on the television and catch up on what was going on in the city of Duckburg, where “life is like a hurricane.” The wildly popular afternoon cartoon series  “Ducktales!” raised the bar for animation in series television and signaled the beginning of the ’90’s Disney renaissance.

Today, the Walt Disney corporation announced that they are bringing back “Ducktales!” 

“‘DuckTales!’ has a special place in Disney’s TV animation history, it drew its inspiration from Disney Legend Carl Barks’ comic books and through its storytelling and artistic showmanship, and set an enduring standard for animated entertainment that connects with both kids and adults,” said Mark Bruhaj, senior vice president of programming and the general manager of Disney XD, in a statement made Wednesday. “Our new series will bring that same energy and adventurous spirit to a new generation.”

The new episodes will hit the air in 2017, 30 years after the series originally aired. “This means when I finally make my Gizmoduck cosplay, people might know who it is,” said Michael J. Welch, a 35-year-old Herriman resident. Welch is well known in the Utah cosplay community.

Jason Wixom, a 25-year-old actor from Salt Lake, grew up watching “Ducktales!”with his siblings. “Those old Disney cartoons were our childhoods,” said Wixom, who is wary of the announcement. “I don’t think they should do a new series,” Wixom said. “I think they should just remaster, and run all the old Disney cartoons. That way you don’t have the chances of ruining a once great show.”

Valerie Cameron-Walker, who worked as the event coordinator for Utah’s Radio Disney AM 910 and is currently the event coordinator/promotions director for FantasyCon, is thrilled by the announcement. “Ducktales was a staple for me and my siblings growing up,” said Walker. “We watched it everyday without fail. I still know the theme song and can’t wait for this generation of kids to see it.”

Is Disney’s new plan the thing to fit the bill in children’s entertainment, or are they just ducking up a classic? Leave your opinion in the comments below.


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