Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announces phased reopening of some temples

Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Image: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, May 7, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Thursday announced its first step in its “careful, phased reopening of temples.”

“Beginning Monday, May 11, 2020, living husband-and-wife sealing ordinances will be performed in selected temples for members who have been previously endowed,” a Church statement said.

The sealings (weddings) will be conducted by appointment, Monday through Saturday, at select temples in Utah, Idaho, Germany and Sweden, the statement said.

The number of participants in each sealing will be restricted to the bride, groom and a limited number of guests per instructions provided at the time of scheduling. Only those who are in good health and have no symptoms of COVID-19 should come to the temple, the Church statement says.

The sealing and other rooms in the temple will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized following each ceremony. Priority will be given to couples who had appointments canceled due to COVID-19 closures.

The LDS Church shared the following information on its plans got each phase:

Phase 1: Living husband-and-wife sealings by appointment

  • Perform living sealings only for previously endowed members under strict guidelines and safety precautions

Phase 2: Open for all living ordinances only

  • Perform all temple ordinances for living individuals
  • Maintain closure of patron housing, clothing, and cafeteria operations

Phase 3: Open for all ordinances with restrictions

  • Continue providing ordinances for living individuals
  • Provide proxy ordinances for ancestors in a restricted manner
  • Open patron housing, clothing, and cafeteria operations as needed

Phase 4: Open for full operations

  • Resume regular temple operations

A letter to Church members from the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints expressed gratitude for the efforts of all those who have worked to address the global COVID-19 pandemic.

“With profound gratitude to our Heavenly Father that He has heard our prayers, we rejoice in announcing a careful, phased reopening of temples,” the First Presidency said in its message.

The letter ended with a request:

“We ask for your continued faith and prayers that this pandemic and its lingering effects may pass. We look forward to the day that we can resume full operation of our temples, congregations and missionary service.”

Temple Status

The following temples will begin Phase 1 of reopening on May 11, 2020*:

  • Boise Idaho Temple
  • Bountiful Utah Temple
  • Brigham City Utah Temple
  • Cedar City Utah Temple
  • Frankfurt Germany Temple
  • Freiberg Germany Temple
  • Idaho Falls Idaho Temple
  • Logan Utah Temple
  • Manti Utah Temple
  • Monticello Utah Temple
  • Ogden Utah Temple
  • Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple
  • Payson Utah Temple
  • Provo City Center Temple
  • Provo Utah Temple
  • Stockholm Sweden Temple
  • Twin Falls Idaho Temple

Note: Some temples in Idaho and Utah are undergoing annual maintenance and will reopen as that work is completed.

See the full list of temples and their current status below:



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