Get Wild At Hogle Zoo’s Rendezvous

Hogle Zoo
Photo Courtesy: Hogle Zoo
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – September 10, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) – Utah’s Hogle Zoo is getting ready for the wild night of the 18th annual Zoo Rendezvous Thursday.

Zoo Rendezvous is Hogle Zoo’s annual fundraiser, and will see 30 area restaurants stationed throughout the grounds serving appetizers, entrees and desserts, as well as numerous bars.

Live entertainment throughout the evening will include music by The Strike and Voodoo Productions. Partygoers can keep up with silent auction items this year as the auction has gone mobile; guests will get text alerts when they have been outbid.

All proceeds from the event go towards Utah’s Hogle Zoo; dedicated to nurturing respect and appreciation for the natural world and a leader in environmental conservation and education. As one of the 10 most visited attractions in Utah, nearly one million guests experience the zoo each year.

For more information about the Zoo Rendezvous visit the website here.



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