LOGAN, Utah, May 17, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — The Logan Police Department is launching an internal investigation after one of its officers allegedly viewed explicit pictures of Lauren McCluskey sent to him as evidence while working for the University of Utah, and saved them to his personal phone.
A news release from Logan Police Department Sunday afternoon said: “This morning The Salt Lake Tribune published an article reporting an officer from our department, who at the time of the alleged offense was an employee of University of Utah Police Department, allegedly showed explicit photos of a female victim who was being extorted for money, to at least one U of U police coworker. According to the article he was the assigned investigating officer and he received photos as evidence through email from the victim and was allegedly stored on the officer’s phone.”
The news release said the article was the first time Logan PD heard about this allegation.
“We are very concerned about this allegation and are starting our own internal investigation to determine the facts,” the news release said. “At the end of the investigation we will take whatever action is appropriate based on the facts we discover.
“We will not have further comment until we have information from our investigation to comment on.”
The Salt Lake Tribune’s article can be read here.
Melvin Rowland shot McCluskey, a former girlfriend, whom he had been stalking, outside her dorm at the U of U as she returned from a night class on Oct. 22, 2018.
Hours later, police discovered Rowland, by then the subject of a manhunt, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot inside a downtown Salt Lake City church.
McCluskey’s family has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the University of Utah, claiming the U of U police force ignored their daughter’s repeated pleas for help in the days prior to the shooting.