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SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Dec. 18, 2022 (Gephardt Daily) — Salt Lake City police are conducting a door-to-door search near Rose Park field for an aggravated assault suspect who may be armed.
Police are asking area residents to remain in the houses and call 9-1-1 if they see suspicious activity.
The suspect’s last known location was nearĀ 1126 W. Talisman Dr., a 12:45 p.m. tweet said.
“We are continuing to ask people to avoid the area for their safety and to allow our teams to search,” an SLCPD tweet says.
An earlier tweet, at 12:12 p.m., said “We have closed several roads from Sterling Drive to 800 North and 1200 West and American Beauty.”
“Community members should stay inside and report anything suspicious by calling 9-1-1.”
Gephardt Daily will have more information as details become available.