Coyote Seen Wandering Roof of New York Bar

Coyote New York Roof Bar

Coyote Seen Wandering Roof of New York Bar

Source: Daily News

NEW YORK, March 31 (UPI) — Brian Porter, owner of the LIC Bar in the Long Island City neighborhood of Queens, said the coyote was first spotted on the roof of the building Monday by tenants living above the bar and they speculated the animal must have climbed onto the roof from a broken window on a vacant warehouse adjacent to the building.

“It looked well-fed, it wasn’t a scrawny thing,” Porter told LIC Post.

Matt Quigley of neighboring business Plaxall Properties said the coyote eventually went back into the warehouse, which formerly housed Paragon Paints, through an open window.

Video shared by a neighbor shows the coyote flee into the window after encountering New York Police Department emergency services officers on the rooftop.

Quigley said the officers watched the area for a time, but appeared to leave empty-handed.

Birk O’Halloran, whose office is above the bar, said he is sure the animal was a coyote and not just a similar-looking dog.

“There was a coyote just hanging on the roof,” he told CBS New York, “I grew up in Colorado and I’ve seen a lot. People say, ‘Oh that’s a dog.’ No, that’s a coyote. They look like a German shepherd, but grayer and more pointy.”

Coyote Anderson, a jazz musician who was scheduled to play the LIC Bar Monday evening, said he took his namesake’s visit as a good sign.

“My name is Coyote Anderson,” Anderson said. “Believe it or not, my parents named me Coyote Anderson Moore.”

Anderson said he would dedicate a song to the animal during his performance.

“We couldn’t be blessed with a better omen,” Anderson said.

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