
Mitt Romney running? Mariah Carey wants her tea! ‘he Todd and Erin Morning Stream’...

Sad news this morning, LDS President Thomas S. Monson passed away at the age of 90, we'll tell you about it on "The Morning Stream."

T-rex photobombs and Jennifer Garner is a saint! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’...

Happy New Year! Dropped any of your resolutions yet?

Dr. Who regenerates and skiing Amish! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’ — Dec....

So, what are you doing on New Year's Eve? No plans? Don't be too surprised, a new poll shows 50 percent of us still don't.

Every New Year’s Eve option along the Wasatch Front! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning...

Say you've had one or two too many on New Year's Eve - who do you call?

Annoying children’s toys and the Selfie Museum on ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’...

We have no one to blame but ourselves, but we have our 6-year-old Zoe the most annoying toy EVER for Christmas.

Merry Christmas from ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’ — Dec. 25, 2017

Merry Christmas to our favorite human beings!

Send your holiday cards to Joshua, The Eggnog Taste Test – ‘The Todd and...

So there's an amazing guy in Idaho who's facing some extraordinary challenges, and he and his family want to fulfill his dream of mountains of Christmas cards.

Power outage of doom, eggnog taste test, Hollywood marriage! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning...

The Power Outage of Doom -- who endured it yesterday?

Deadpool v. Elf On the Shelf, holiday flavor Oreo taste-test! ‘The Todd and Erin...

Ever tried one of those "easy-peasy" kid's craft projects that turns out to be Hell On Earth?

The unspeakable fruitcake taste test, board games make us mean! ‘The Todd and Erin...

Still struggling with the "crafty, homemade giftie" idea for the holidays?

Your neighborhood smells like cat pee, ‘Star Wars’ spoilers! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning...

Who's still sticking their fingers in their ears and desperately chanting "Lalalalala!

Unfortunate light displays, $400 fondue sets, cryptokitties! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’ —...

We're all used to the pictures of crying babies on Santa's lap.

How dads shop for Christmas, your favorite holiday movies, the toast controversy! ‘The Todd...

So, we asked you what your favorite holiday movie was, and boy howdy!