100 Years of Beauty: Aging
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SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH – May 17, 2015 (Gephardt Daily) — Young love is a wonderful thing, but what about mature love? How would you feel watching the person you are going to be marrying age to 90-years-old right in front of your eyes?
Well Krisite and Tavis are engaged and they wanted to see what their future was going to look like before they took the leap towards marriage in one month.
Field Day, along with Cut Video gave them exactly what they wanted. A team of makeup artists were able to age Tavis and Kristie from their late 20’s to the late 90’s. They did so with costumes and prosthetics.
Kristie and Tavis were all on board for this and they were excited to be able to show their children just what they will look like when they get older.
While they were “in their 50’s” Kristie discovered that “I am going to look just like my mother one day.” When Tavis took a look into the mirror he said, “okay, so I need to start using sunscreen, that’s definitely it.”
The 70’s made them laugh and then cry, but not for the reason’s that you might think. Kristie laughed at Tavis’ eyebrows while Tavis told Kristie that he was pretty happy with the way that she looked. Then they both laughed over Tavis saying, “I did not age well.”
Kristie was very emotional during her 70’s period and Tavis said that he can’t help but think about what the past 50 years had been. “To see her look like this, makes me think about where we’ve gone to and to be standing next to each other looking like this.”
Kristie stated: “We’ll have kids and grand-kids and so many stories.”
The 90’s were all tears for these two young hearts. They were both emotionally attached to the idea of living long enough to see one another in this state. Tavis, right off the bat told Kristie that she looks fantastic, and “not a day over 75.”
While Kristie was over flown with how incredible it was to see herself and Tavis in their 90’s. They were asked if they thought they were going to still be sexually active. They both replied with a “no”, Kristie said, “we’ll be too tired.” But Tavis told her that he would still try.
What would be the last words that they said to each other? Kristie stated: “I would just want you to know how much I love you and how important you’ve been to me.” Tavis told Kristie, “You’ve made me a better person, there is so many things that I couldn’t be without you and will never be without you.”
In the end all you have is love, not looks, or strength or even your memory. This video shows just that.