Murray High School transitions to online learning starting Monday due to COVID-19

Murray High School will transition to online learning for two weeks starting Monday, Oct. 5, 2020. Photo:

MURRAY, Utah, Oct. 5, 2020 (Gephardt Daily) — Murray High School will transition to online learning for at least two weeks starting Monday.

The school district posted information regarding the change on its website Sunday evening, saying “Murray High School has reached the COVID-19 15-case threshold,” and “remote learning will go at least until Sunday, October 18th, with a plan to return on Monday, October 19th, if positive case numbers have reduced enough.”

Teachers will use this Monday to prepare for the transition, and the A/B schedule will continue to be followed during the remote learning period.

Classes will be conducted by way of Zoom or other online platform meetings, according to the announcement.

Complete information about online learning and schedules at Murray High School can be found on the Murray City School District website.


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