PARK CITY, Utah, Feb 2. 2016 (Gephardt Daily) — Search and Rescue crews have confirmed a 50-year-old skier missing since Sunday night has been found deceased.
Officials said Tuesday afternoon Stephen Jones of Wanship, Utah, was involved in an avalanche.
According to Summit County Sheriff Justin Martinez, dispatchers received a call at approximately 9 p.m. Sunday from the family of Jones, who did not return from a day skiing trip to Park City.
The family told deputies Jones went to the Park City ski areas near Canyons Village.
Summit County Sheriff’s Office found Jones’ car in the Cabriolet parking lot at Canyons Village, but found nothing suspicious inside or around the vehicle.
Several members of the Summit County Search and Rescue team, along with the Canyons ski patrol, worked together to search both on property and the back country area.
Family members told deputies Jones was very familiar with the terrain and the area, and was an experienced skier. He left wearing appropriate ski clothing and had some provisions with him.
The family has requested privacy at this time.