Two first responders die in Green River accident

Photo: Green River Fire Department
GREEN RIVER, Utah, April 17, 2023 (Gephardt Daily) — Two first responders with Green River’s volunteer fire department where killed when a truck they were driving rolled during a hill climb.
Emery County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch and a city official would only confirm the names of the deceased, Shawn O’Keefe and Stephen Mayall. O’Keefe was a firefighter while Mayall was with the emergency medical unit.
The fatal crash came Sunday on the “G Hill” as it is known for the letter G on the hillside just south of Green River. Calls to Janalee Duke, the Emery County Sheriff’s Office public information officer, and the Green River Fire Department were not immediately returned.
The fire department in one of several condolences posted on its Facebook page said: “The Fire Department sends our deepest sympathy and condolences to firefighter O’Keefe’s and EMS Mayall’s families.”
A Go Fund Me page established for O’Keefe said he leaves behind a wife, son and a daughter. The accident came while the men were off-duty.


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