State Constitution May Change Procedure For Appointing Members Of The Board of Education

Utah State Board of Education

State Constitution May Change Procedure For Appointing Members Of The Board of Education

educationThe House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on SJR005, a proposed amendment to the State Constitution which changes the procedure for appointing members of the board of education. Rather than electing the board members, under the provisions of the bill they would now be appointed by Governor, with the consent of the Senate.

This resolution provides a contingent effective date of January 1, 2017 for this proposal. “Honestly, I think the idea of removing parents from the equation is making us more of a government state,” said Michael Malone, a a 37-year-old Sandy resident and father of four. Malone cited Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address as an example of why he feels the bill is wrong headed. “This nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” he said.

Douglas Caldwell is a 38-year-old registered nurse from West Bountiful and father of four children. “I don’t think it’s ever a good idea to take the decision away from the people,”Caldwell said.” Government doesn’t have a great track record for making fair, unbiased choices that benefit the people. I think these days there is just a general mistrust of the government trying to give itself more power.”

Kristine Clifford, 47, a mother of six children who lives in West Valley, and has been a foster parent, has passionate views on the issue. “For a state that hates ‘The Government telling me what to do,’ They sure like to tell people what to do,” said Clifford.  “Education decisions should be left up to educators. I believe that experienced teachers should be the ones to choose text books, because they are the ones who know what consistently works.”

The vote will take place today. For the full text of the bill, follow the link below.


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