Apparent Sleepwalker Plays Piano While Snoring

Sleepwalker Plays Piano While Snoring

Apparent Sleepwalker Plays Piano While Snoring

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, July 21 (UPI) — A New Zealand man shared a video online
purportedly showing his cousin’s young daughter practicing the piano while sleepwalking.

The video, posted to YouTube by James Hodgson with the title, “Young Kiwi girl playing the piano while sleepwalking,” depicts a snoring girl resting her head against the piano while playing a simple melody some online commentators have likened to Arvo Part’s Spiegel im Spiegel.

Hodgson described the video as showing “music played from the level of sleeping consciousness.”

“This is my cousins daughter, she sleepwalks every now and then,” he wrote. “But on this occasion played the Piano… she really is fast asleep. The next morning she could not remember doing this.”

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