Korean Air flight Attendant Sues Airline Over ‘Nut Rage’ Incident

Korean Air flight Attendant Sues Airline Over ‘Nut Rage’ Incident

cc/files UPI

NEW YORK, March 11 (UPI) — The South Korean flight attendant who said she was abused by a Korean Air executive in what has been called a case of “nut rage” is suing the airline.

Kim Do-hee claimed she was physically and verbally assaulted by the airline vice president Cho Hyun-ah after Kim served her a bag of macadamia nuts. Cho yelled the nuts should have been served on a plate and then ordered the plane to stop taxiing so Kim’s supervisor could be removed.

Cho’s father is the airline’s chairman and after the incident Cho was fired and sentenced to one year in prison for obstructing aviation safety.

Kim also filed a civil lawsuit against the airline Monday in New York is suing the airline and Cho to hold her “civilly responsible for the extensive damage that she has caused to Ms. Kim’s career, reputation and emotional well-being.”

Kim was also allegedly pressured to alter her statement to regulators and to make public appearances with Cho in order to save her reputation.

The incident brought international attention to the Korean business structure which is dominated by powerful family firms known as chaebols.

Korean Air has not commented on the lawsuit.


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