Human Rights Group: Syrian Air Force Strike Kills 16 People Including 13 Children

Syrian Town Southeastern of Daraa
Human Rights Group: Syrian Air Force Strike Kills 16 People Including 13 Children

Human Rights Group: Syrian Air Force Strike Kills 16 People Including 13 Children

Photo Courtesy UPI
Photo Courtesy UPI

EASTERN GHARIYAH, Syria, June 16 (UPI) — Syrian air force aircraft bombed a town in Syria’s southeastern province of Daraa, killing 16 people, a human rights group said Tuesday.

Jets bombed the town of Eastern Ghariyah, striking a learning center where children were memorizing the Koran, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. Eastern Ghariyah is located about 62 miles south of the capital of Damascus.

The group said the death toll could rise because a number of people were critically injured.

Syrian officials have not commented on the attack, the BBC reported.

Also on Tuesday, regime forces shelled areas near Tall Kerdy and al-Qalamoun in the Rif Dimashq province, SOHR said. Shells also injured a number of people in Duma city.

The aerial attacks came on the same day Kurdish forces overtook the city of Tell Abyad along the northern border with Turkey, cutting off a major supply route for the Islamic State.


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