Sign Of The Times

Realtor - Gephardt Daily
Sign Of The Times

Sign Of The Times

They are usually pretty small, about the size of open house signs, and are seen on every busy intersection. They are mostly mounted on a little metal stick and then stuck in the ground.

Signs like these are called “Bandit Signs” and in this case bandits not only describe the signs but also the people using them. The signs that we are referring to usually say something like “Seeking Real Estate Investor Apprentice – $10K a Month” or even $20k a month, with a phone number listed on the bottom.

[/one_fourth][three_fourth_last]Scott Moyes, a real estate investor and president of the Wasatch Area Real Estate Investors Association, said that they are just looking for a large amount of money up front.

Moyes says that those two dollar bandit signs are very effective at getting leads but not always good at getting leads about real estate.

“You recruit other people to recruit other people, to recruit other people to recruit other people,” Moyes stated.

You call the number on the sign and get invited to a seminar and there you will hear a pitch on an opportunity which you will be told you would be stupid to pass up, even if you have to pay thousands of dollars up front.

It is a pretty hard sale and they hang on you pretty tough. Usually the person who has put out the signs is somebody that was recruited before. Seminar hosts are not so concerned with teaching you the ins and outs of real estate, they want you to learn how to recruit your friends, relatives, or neighbors. Now you are in the crosshairs of a multi-level marketing company.

You might be able to make a little bit of money out of real estate, any profit that you make will likely come from recruiting future recruiters that recruit even more recruiters.

By the way these bandit signs are posted there illegally and did you know that some communities actually pay the boy scouts to hike around to remove them? Would you want to work with a company that starts out with an illegal act?


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