Diver High-Fives Humongous Great White Shark

Diver High-Fives Great White Shark

Diver High-Fives Humongous Great White Shark

GUADALUPE ISLAND, Mexico, June 11 (UPI) — Deep Blue, one of largest great white sharks ever caught on camera, was first featured in August 2014 on a Discovery Channel special. Now, new footage shows the shark receiving a high-five from a gutsy diver.

The original documentary showcased researchers tagging the female shark, believed to be at least 50 years old and appearing to stretch more than 20 feet in length. The new footage, in which Deep Blue circles a open-top dive cage off the coast of Mexico’s Guadalupe Island, reveals a predator both frightening and magnificent.

Mauricio Hoyos Padilla, one of the researchers on the expedition featured on the Discovery Channel, recently found the video on his computer and decided to share it online.

“I give you the biggest white shark ever seen in front of the cages in Guadalupe Island….DEEP BLUE!!!” Hoyos wrote on Facebook.

The shark in the video appears especially massive because she is heavily pregnant. Her age and massive size make her stand out. But she also identifiable by her unique scars, likely acquired during fights with other sharks or mating encounters.


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