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Happy Thanksgiving! ‘The Todd and Erin Turkey Special Morning Stream’ — Nov. 23, 2017

Goose turds, well-done wieners, canned sardines, and gangs of urban deer.

Black licorice wants to kill you, watch your mouth liberal, pineapple O’ lanterns! ‘The...

"The Morning Stream" today totally sounds like TV news during sweeps week: "Something in your Halloween candy will KILL you!"

People who are going to hell, painful Halloween costumes, your sugar coma! ‘The Todd...

While you're coming out of your sugar coma from last night, let us welcome you to "The Morning Stream."

Spookiest spots along the Wasatch Front — 666: victim of the beast! ‘The Todd...

Imagine dropping off some flowers on a loved one's grave and spotting a grave marker that reads "666: Victim of the Beast."

Spookiest spots along the Wasatch Front: Emo’s Crypt! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning Stream’...

Generations of kids have scared themselves silly with today's Spookiest Spots Along The Wasatch Front.

Spooky spots along the Wasatch Front: the gruesome gift to children! ‘The Todd and...

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 24, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — The Christmas Creep ... sounds alarming, doesn't it? It's the term for retailers who start...

Spookiest spots along Wasatch Front: The Eerie Lime Kiln! ‘The Todd and Erin Morning...

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 23, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — Did you know that we live in one of the creepiest states in the...

Too Fat For Prison, Bradonia Bra Fence & When Animals Attack – The Todd...

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 20, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — So, this Amazon.com thing, it's ridiculously gigantic. If SLC gets the second headquarters of the Biggest Thing...

Ghouls! Ghouls! Ghouls! burrito delivery by drone, Gordon Hayward’s foot still backwards! ‘The Todd...

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 19, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — The man's foot was on BACKWARDS! We'll catch you up on the whole mess with...

Racist cheerleaders, Gordon Hayward’s bad juju, a guy, a spider and a blowtorch! ‘The...

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 18, 2017 (Gephardt Daily) — This is like ... the weirdest show we've ever had. First, the cheerleaders from Weber...

Pink gets no lovin,’ the eyedrop murderess, your mom saw your sex tape! ‘The...

Imagine if there was a concerned, professional group that could break up with your significant other without you having to do any of the dirty work?